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Grief & Grace Group: A Holiday Support Circle for Women 

Image by Leighann Blackwood

Grief & Grace Group: A Holiday Support Circle for Women 

Transform Your Emotional Well-being with Our 6-Week CBT Grief Group


Are you a woman struggling with grief and dreading the holidays? Do you feel overwhelmed and wish you had better tools cope with your grief?


Our Grief & Grace Gathering  here to support you through November and December. (Specific dates on the regisration page) 


About the Program


Our 6-week Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) group program is specially designed for women experiencing loss and navigating the holidays. This comprehensive program includes:

  • Group Therapy Sessions: Connect with other women facing similar challenges, learn CBT skills, and practice them in a supportive environment.

  • Individual Therapy Sessions: Receive personalized support to address your unique needs and reinforce the skills learned in group therapy.

  • Couple/Family Therapy Sessions: Involve your family in your journey, improve communication, and build a supportive home environment.




What You’ll Learn


Throughout the program, you will gain essential skills to help you manage your emotions effectively, including:
   • Mindfulness and self-awareness
   • Understanding and identifying emotions
   • Anxiety reduction skills such as Box Breathing, Guided Imagery, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation
   • Building positive emotions and coping ahead strategies




Why Join  the Grief & Grace Group?


 • Supportive Community: Holidays can amplify feelings of loneliness and grief, as they often highlight the absence of loved ones. Being a part of the Grief and Grace Gathering can provide a supportive circle of women who have common experiences and understand what you're going through, offering empathy and shared experiences.

     • Validation of Feelings: During the holidays, there's often an expectation to feel and look happy and festive. There’s an expectation to celebrate life as it is, even if you’re going through one of the toughest seasons of your life. Grief and Grace Gathering can help validate your feelings of sadness and grief, providing a safe space to express and process your emotions without judgment.

     • Practical Coping Strategies: Grief and Grace Gathering will offer practical advice and coping strategies tailored to the holiday season. Members can also share ideas on how to navigate traditions, manage expectations, and take care of yourself during this challenging time.

   • Avoiding Isolation: The holidays can be a time when people feel more isolated, especially if they are missing loved ones. Being part of Grief and Grace Gathering can help counteract that isolation by connecting you in person with others who are facing similar challenges.

     • Reframing Traditions: A grief group can offer support in finding new ways to honor and remember loved ones during the holidays. This can be a helpful way to create new traditions that acknowledge your grief while still participating in the holiday season.

     • Emotional Resilience: Engaging with others who are grieving can help build emotional resilience. Hearing how others cope with their grief can provide inspiration and practical tips for managing your own emotions.
Overall, joining Grief and Grace Gathering can provide a sense of belonging and understanding, helping you navigate one of the most difficult times of your life with the support and guidance of other women who are experiencing similar losses.


Join Us Today!


Don’t let grief hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards a more balanced and supportive season by joining the group.




Let’s Work Together

3849 Oakview Drive #200

Powder Springs, Ga 30127

Tel: 678-789-9237

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